I was scrolling through the site when I realized it wasn't very newbie-friendly. If you're not someone who already knows how to do things it's really hard to figure where to start, how to do it, and how to jump in. The getting started and guide sections are not really helpful. I mean if you put yourself in the place of a new user it really doesn't explain anything. We need to rewrite those sections and add more detailed guides to actually getting started like explicitly telling them "You need to make a character and you can do this here, you can choose a race or make one here, this is where you submit your character, this is every faucet of the combat system, you can start here here or here and you just jump right in like this, these are techniques you can find them here, this is how you die and what to do when that happens etc etc etc." I feel like the getting started and guide sections should be combined as well. I know you guys are busy since you still have a lot to put up for the site so if you want I can write a more efficient getting started section and send it to one of you or something.