Makoto spent what seemed like an eternity standing. He quietly stared at the palace that had once been his own. It was a place he new thought he would come back to, or even really wanted to at all. After the deaths of Artik and Riza, Ryuga's disappearance, and Krageta's life on Earth he was the only one still left to run the planet. Sure an outsider could step in and run Vegeta, but Makoyo knew his race wouldn't accept that. Deep inside he wasn't ready to let that happen either. With a sigh the large iron doors were pushe open. As the heir of the royal bloodline walked up the aisle the servants instantly knew what was going on. As the large Saiyan rests on the throne a servant brought him the crown. Makoto stared at it a few moments before placing the crown atop his head. Vegeta had a leader once more.