Basic Information
Name: Kelvor
Age: 21
Birth Place: Planet Glacian
Gender: male
Race: changeling
Current Planet: Planet Glacian
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Biography: I am the long lost heir to the throne of Planet Glacian. When i was thirteen i was kidnapped and taken to another planet. I used all my training i learned from the palace guards to escape. Eventually i was able to acuire a ride back to glacian, but when i reaterned a new king had already been appointed ruler. I now spend my days training and preparing for when I may one day acuire my rightful place.
Personality: rash
Other Information: carries a chain sythe and has an addiction to cracker jacks.
Physical Profile
Height: 6ft., 4 in.
Weight: 219
Physical Appearance:
PL: 850
HP: 425
Aura Color: saphire
Theme Song(s):
Voice Actor/Actress (ENG):
Voice Actor/Actress (Alt. Language):
BB: yes